The Essence of Truck Enthusiast Dedication

The Essence of Truck Enthusiast Dedication

This past weekend, as I held a grinder in my hands laying flat on a cold concrete floor while trying to cut the bolts off my leaf spring hangers under my Duramax, a brief thought crossed my mind: Why do we do this?

Anyone who’s worked on a truck, new or old, can attest to this. If it’s not using a grinder to cut bolts off to fix your sagging leaf springs, it’s taking out the three dozen bolts in the dash just to run a single wire for a set of cab lights. Let’s face it, working on trucks is one of the most humbling, nerve-wracking, and ultimately rewarding things you can do. There’s no better feeling than wrapping up an install and seeing the fruits of your labors come together into this vision that you created.

Maybe that’s what it’s all about, though. It’s not the busted knuckles and curse words under the truck or the wrenches that may or may not see some air time after you slip off a bolt. It’s about the consistent drive to chase the next step, the next install, the next part, the next look. And most importantly, it’s about bringing that vision to life. So here’s to you. The builder, the dreamer, the visionary.

Never stop chasing what’s important.

Dustin aka @Dusti_LBZ


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