Armor + Power = The Caiman

It’s a WOP Truck, Not a Shop Truck

Those who have a bottomless budget and/or hire others to do all the work aren’t the subjects of our discussion here. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that approach to getting things done—we aren’t knocking it one bit.

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an image of a car charger and other items with the text driven diesel 7 31
Innovative Fix for Cracked Ford 6.0 Cylinder Head

Transforming a Stock 1994 12-Valve Cummins

Diesel World’s newest venture is our 1994 Ram 2500, with the ol’ reliable 12-valve Cummins. We are setting out to take this truck from its (well loved) stock state, to a “streetable” 700HP street tractor over the next 6 months.

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All in the Family

Enter Project Hot Rod RV Ram

Our goal would be to take an older truck and modernize it as far as creature comforts, horsepower and torque levels, and ride quality. Oh yeah, and it still would have to be able to do anything a new truck could do, like blast up grades with a camper and trailer.

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